, "junior"=>ꤤ, "primary"=>p, "preschool"=>X); $edu_unit = array("edu"=>н, "soc"=>Sн, "hea"=>鰷, "wu"=>ǫ); $schoolname = array("senior"=>, "junior"=>ꤤ, "primary"=>p, "preschool"=>X); // function linkarray($f, $array){ //$f = "-"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $ofn = ""; $ofs = 0; $ofn = $array[$i]; $all .= $ofn.$f; } $final = safeEscapeString(substr($all, 0 ,-strlen($f))); return $final; } //ܰTfunction function show_msg($msg){ echo ""; }; //͵CLfunction function print_page(){ echo ""; }; //sɦVfunction function redirect_URL($url){ $url_tmp = "self.location=\"$url\";"; echo ""; break;// {Ǧܦ|X{~A]~ఱ{XiAõݤ^e }; //sɦVfunction 2 ΩP_JƪrƤ function redirect_URL_NEW($url){ $url_tmp = "self.location=\"$url\";"; echo ""; break;// {Ǧܦ|X{~A]~ఱ{XiAõݤ^e }; //oh檺JƼ function countform($Array=""){ $j = 0; for ($i=0; $i$maxsize ){ echo "
".$des." Xgƪrƽd:".$minsize."r > ".$idata." > ".$maxsize."r

"; $db->disconnect(); redirect_URL_NEW($url); //return false; } else{ return true; } }; //YݬOܡAˬdǤJѼƬO_ƦrA function checkIfNumeric($gid){ if(!is_numeric($gid)){ die(); } else{ return $gid; } }; // function date_validate(& $db, $url, $data){ if ( !ereg("^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})+ ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})+$", $data) ){ echo "

"; $db->disconnect(); //redirect_URL_NEW($url); echo "W@>"; } }; //ɶ /* -------------------------------------------------- *) (* Num2CNum NԧBƦrনƦrr (* ϥΥܨ: (* Num2CNum(10002.34) ==> @UsGIT| (* (* Author: Wolfgang Chien (* Date: 1996/08/04 (* Update Date: (* -------------------------------------------------- */ // (* NrϦV, Ҧp: ǤJ '1234', Ǧ^ '4321' *) function ConvertStr($sBeConvert){ $tt = ''; for ($x = strlen($sBeConvert)-1;$x>=0; $x--) $tt .= substr($sBeConvert,$x,1); return $tt; } function Num2CNum($dblArabic,$ChineseNumeric='') { if ($ChineseNumeric=='') $ChineseNumeric = 's@GT|CKE'; $result = ""; $bInZero = True; $sArabic = $dblArabic; if (substr($sArabic,0,1) == '-'){ $bMinus = True; $sArabic = substr($sArabic, 1, 254); } else $bMinus = False; $iPosOfDecimalPoint = strpos($sArabic,'.'); //(* opIm *) //(* Bzƪ *) if ($iPosOfDecimalPoint == 0) $sIntArabic = ConvertStr($sArabic); else $sIntArabic = ConvertStr(substr($sArabic, 0, $iPosOfDecimalPoint)); //(* qӦư_HC|Ƭ@p` *) for ($iSection = 0 ; $iSection<= intval((strlen($sIntArabic)-1)/4);$iSection++) { $sSectionArabic = substr($sIntArabic, $iSection * 4 , 4); $sSection = ''; // (* HU i : ӤQʤd|Ӧ *) for ($i=0;$i< strlen($sSectionArabic);$i++){ $iDigit = Ord(substr($sSectionArabic,$i,1)) - 48; if ($iDigit == 0) { //(* 1. קK 's' ХX{ *) //(* 2. Ӧƪ 0 ন 's' *) if (!$bInZero and $i != 0) $sSection = 's'.$sSection; $bInZero = True; } else { switch ($i) { case 1: $sSection = 'Q'.$sSection; break; case 2: $sSection = ''.$sSection; break; case 3: $sSection = 'd'.$sSection; break; } $sSection = substr($ChineseNumeric, 2 * $iDigit, 2).$sSection; $bInZero = False; } } //(* [WӤp` *) if (strLen($sSection) == 0) { if (strLen($result) > 0 and substr($result, 0, 2) != 's') $result = 's'.$result; } else { switch ($iSection) { case 0: $result = $sSection; break; case 1: $result = $sSection . 'U' . $result; break; case 2: $result = $sSection . '' . $result; break; case 3: $result = $sSection . '' . $result; break; } } } //(* BzpIk䪺 *) if ($iPosOfDecimalPoint > 0 ) { $result .= 'I'; for ($i = $iPosOfDecimalPoint +1;$i